Friday, November 7, 2014

Class of 2014 Who's Who Among Women in Ecommerce - WE Magazine

I am honored to be among these extraordinary women featured in WE magazine. 

Click on the link below to know more about all of these amazing ladies!!!

Class of 2014 Who's Who Among Women in Ecommerce - WE Magazine

WE Magazine for Women and Women in Ecommerce are excited to announce the 100 women who make up the Class of 2014 Who's Who Among Women in Ecommerce. These accomplished women are as different as their professions and ages (from early 20’s to late 60’s). These 100 Women in Ecommerce™ represent their industries and professions as artists, astrologers, authors, internet marketers, photographers, coaches, consultants, manufacturers, clothing designers, teachers, inventors, event planners, personal trainers, nonprofit leaders, union leaders, and almost every kind of leader in between. Some of the women have been in business for more than 20 years and others as few as two years. And what does each of these women have in common? They all promote their products and services on the Internet. Successfully.


Isabelle Feyfant is the founder of Break Free Live Complete. She is originally from Paris but chose to make America her home. As a life Transformation Coach and business coach, Isabelle helps women be, do have more in their lives and their businesses. By doing so, Isabelle's clients can see possibilities in their outer world and greatness in themselves that they could have never imagined before. As the results of her coaching, Isabelle’s clients feel whole, complete and unstoppable.

Isabelle can be reached by mail @:

Her Facebook page is :

Monday, July 21, 2014

5 Tips to Help Women Entrepreneurs Market themselves with Passion

Marketing for us women is a word that make us crawl into a small ball and hide.
We wish we never had to market our company and ourselves.

Why does it  have such a bad connotation for us and not for men?

Men are not playing the mind game as we do. We think marketing is aggressive, pushy, not classy. We do not want to be portrayed as  "sale's car dealers".  We prefer a more gentle approach.
Is this approach working for us?? Not really.

Men are direct. They would not be afraid of sharing what they do and telling us we really need their services. They would not let it go until they made their point.
They usually get to what they want. They would not give up.

Women, we need to man it up when it comes to marketing.
Does it mean we have to have the same approach than men do?
In a way, yes. Does it mean we need to be pushy? No. Does it mean we need to be direct? Yes.

How can we do it in a way that feels true to ourselves? A way that we feel comfortable and is effective at the same time?

We are cerebral human being, more so than men. So why not use it?
First of all instead of using the word marketing, why don't we use a word that fit us better  and that we feel happy and excited about it. What about "Sharing our expertise", " Connecting with people to share what we love doing", " Embracing and owning what we are good at".
Whatever you want to use,  use it. Drop the "Bad word" that makes us shiver and crawl into a ball. Use a more empowering word that will make you want to share what you do with joy, enthusiasm and total engagement.

1. Shift your mindset from marketing to get clients versus connecting with people to be of service 
    and share your expertise and your passion with them.

2. Make a list of the value you can offer to people.

3. Read it to yourself every single day.

4. Believe in your greatness.

5. Talk from your heart. The more passionate you are the more attractive you will be. 

6. Get out and practice. Connect to at least 3 strangers a day.

7. Celebrate your wins.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I would like to share with you this great info I found on youtube.
I bought my mac almost 2 years ago, and I am still learning everyday about what I can do with it.
The best and easiest place to find resources is youtbe.



Dear Friends, 

I hope this email finds you well.
Some of you may know me, some may not. 

I am so excited about what has been happening in my business that I wanted to share it with you. 

As you may know I launched my coaching business “ Break Free Live Complete” in 2012. I have been coaching a number of women from different walks of life and realize that no matter their backgrounds and their country of origin, women are uniquely beautiful but so alike in a lot of ways. 
I also recently started a women’s group “Unstoppable Women of Lexington” which I would love you to be a part of. 

I am learning a lot from coaching those extraordinary women with great dreams. 
One really valuable lesson I learn from being with them is that  if you do not have a solid foundation in your life or your business you will never feel whole and complete and get the results you are aiming for. 

I do not know if you have experienced it in your own life when you had really wanted something very badly but never took the steps to get it or were stopped along the way by feeling paralyzed by fear, or by a recurring beliefs that enable you to get forward or by something you may not even be aware of. 

How many times do I hear people say to me that they have bought a program to help them deal with an issue or a program that gave them  the recipe for success and nothing happened. 

Why is that?

It is because people are trying to fix their external world before dealing with what is going on inside of them, their inner world. 

This is what I am seeing in most of the women I coach or talk to.
This has to stop!!!! 

As women we have so much to offer, so much to say, so much dream, so many talents and qualities, so much to give to the world. That is the reason I have decided to focus all my work on creating a solid foundation for living a fully engaged life and becoming unstoppable in life and business. 
With my coaching, women are getting out of the cage that prevent them from living the life they always dreamed of, and enabling them to live a life as a free bird.

This work is really dear to my heart because I have lived what my clients are experiencing. I have lived their fear, their frustrations, their doubts, their limitations. I have done a lot of work on myself. I have journaled pages and pages. I have read a lot. I have bought lots of programs myself until I realized that with all the knowledge I had now on myself I needed to get into action and deal with my limitations one step at a time. It has been a long journey, one I do not want my clients to take that is why I am so dedicated to help them get out of the cage faster than I did. 

It is so gratifying to me to see the transformation in them and see them fly into a new world with confidence and passion. 

I would really love to go for coffee with you (if you live in the Boston area) or connect with you by skype or phone to learn more about you. 

If you want to know more about me and what I do: Click below.

With gratitude, 

"You don't have to be great to take action, 
but you have to take action to be great."

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The 3 Miracles that could happen in your bathing suit

Summer is around the corner.

Are you ready to wear your little bikini?
Or your one piece suit?

If you are like me, you are rarely ready to show your body, your weight fluctuates from winter to summer.
You might anticipate the moment when you are going to wear your bathing suit.

Last January, I went to Palm Spring on a business trip with my husband.

We had so much snow this year here in Boston. I did not think twice when I heard that the conference that my husband was going to attend was in such a warm and beautiful place.

The temperature was in the upper 80 for our entire  stay.
Beautiful hotel, gorgeous pool.
Was I ready to wear my bathing suit?
Oh, hell NO!!
Was I going to go to the pool despite the extra pounds (20 lbs) I had gained the past year?
Of course. But ONLY at one condition.
I was going to sit the farthest away from the crowd. I was going to find a place where nobody could see me. Plain and simple, I was going to hide….

….And this is what I did the first day.
I was so far from the pool, I could not see it. Was I going to swim and dare walking in front of those beautiful tan and  skinny people. No. So I stayed in my little, isolated corner, sweating like crazy, dreaming to take a plunge in the pool.

When I left and realized what I have done. I made a decision to turn things around on day 2, and reframe my reality.

I had a little conversation with myself.
" Isabelle, You are absolutely ridiculous. Ok, you gain weight. It is a fact, all your life you have been hiding when your body was not perfect. Being a coach, you need to step up my game and come out of your shell. This is the time now to accept yourself the way you are and act differently. All of these people do not care about your body, they do not know you, you are never going to see them again. I want  you to sit in the middle where everyone is. In the front row, and enjoy yourself. No more hiding, you are here to spend a good time and enjoy the pool for few hours. So enjoy."

That morning, I chose a chair right in the middle, first row. I could not be more exposed than that. But it is what I wanted. I needed to chase my demons.
And this is when I experienced, the 3 miracles that could happen just by changing my thinking.

This was taken few minutes before the pool filled up.
What you see way back there, behind the umbrella is the spot I was seated the first day.

1. My energy shifted
It is amazing how things can shift in an instant just by making the decision to show up for life.
Did you know that you could transform the outcome of your day just by making the decision to bring your energy up. Your reality may not look so hot, but you can make the conscious decision to make it look absolutely amazing. And as soon as you do, you will notice that doors are going to open in front of you. You will have the desire to go through the doors with your head up and your confidence to the roof. You will think of leaving an extraordinary experience and enjoying life.

2. Attracted people to me
I Made new friends.
I had made the decision to forget about my appearance and as soon as I went into the water, a aqua gym instructor approached me and asked me if I wanted to join the class.
There must have been 10 women in the class. All of them came to me to talk to me. I could not believe it. I was really open and receptive. They must have felt my energy.
I had a great time. Plus they all gave me some ideas about what to visit.
When I came back from the class a women was sitting next to my chair. I was a little bit surprised because they were plenty of empty chairs around.
This women became my friends on Facebook.

3.Created an amazing experience!
On top of everything, I had created memories, friends and a sense of well being that I would not have experienced if I had stay in hiding, alone in my little cage. All of these happen in my bathing suit. The way we feel about ourselves is sensed by others around us, they will want to come to you or run away from you. Enjoy who you are, feel good with yourself no matter your weight, feel amazing and create an experience of a life time.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Embrace your imperfection by making videos.

Good morning everyone,

Just wanted to share a video I have made few months ago about embracing imperfection.
I had chosen to do a video to show you that even though it is far from  perfect, I am still showing it to the world. I believe that when you give permission to yourself to make mistakes in public, you are growing faster.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Why wait for the big move?

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” —

The past few days I have been decluttering my house. We have some showings starting today and I want my house to look really good and airy. Being a home stager in the past, I know how important it is for the prospecting buyer to enter a house that is pleasant to the eyes, decluttered, and clean. So I have been working very hard at it.

I had accumulated so much stuff the past 10 years spent in this house, it is absolutely insane.
The basement although quite big, was full.
I had 6 huge closets full of cloths from size 0 to size 8.
I had 100 plus pair of shoes.
Cloths from my son from age 2 to age 13.
Old magazines, books, children books.
My husband's tools and papers, etc….etc….

Actually, it feels very good to have less things around, and my husband loves it too.
I came to realize that the more I get rid of old cloths and things I have been keeping for a long time for sentimental reasons, the better I feel.
I knew it would happen and I definitely knew it was a process I needed to go through, but until I was forced to do it, I was resisting it. I kept holding on to things like a safety net. Little did I know that they were actually keeping me from going forward.

Now that it is done I am wondering why I waited so long to do it?
Not only does my house look beautiful to the eyes, it also feels amazing to the soul.
I feel more energized,  light and absolutely ready to start fresh.
My past is behind me, it is not anchored me anymore. I do have wings to fly in all areas of my life.
It allows me space to move forward in my life and my business.

Why would you want to wait for the big move to get rid of clutter that is sucking the life out of you?
You do not realize how draining it can be until you get rid of it.
No kidding… It is a life changing.
It affects all part of your life. Yes!!! It really does.

Try it right now!!!
Look around your house and find clutter you have been tolerated for a while, it can be your closet, your kitchen drawers, your kitchen counter, your desk, … Take some time right now to declutter that space.
If you have time to be on the computer to read my article, you can take 5 to 15 mints right now to do it.

I will end with this word of wisdom form Mother Theresa.

"The more you have, the more you are occupied. The less you have, the more free you are."

Congratulations!!! You have done it!!!
How do you feel?
Please post your comments below.


                                                                   About the Author


Isabelle is the founder of Break Free Live Complete. As a life Transformation Coach she helps women entrepreneurs and mothers who are struggling to move forward in their lives and their businesses. Isabelle helps her clients recognize their old habits, limiting beliefs, and mental blocks in order to set them free, let go of the no I can't,  to the yes I can, reconnect with their true self and tap into their greatness. As the results of her coaching, Isabelle’s clients feel whole, complete and unstoppable.

Isabelle can be reached at :

Thursday, April 10, 2014

7 Questions to Ask Yourself to Be Persistent and Consistent in Your Actions

                       "Persistence is to the character of a man as carbon is to steel"
                                                         ~ Napoleon Hill~

In my previous post, I talked about " How to Say No to Perfection and Yes to Action".
This week I want to touch on a topic that most people complain about when it comes to achieving a goal, which is lack of persistency and consistency.
How can you achieve anything if you do not persist in your actions?
You all have experienced the rush of a new goal. You really get excited at first and make plans to achieve the goal in a certain time frame. Unfortunately, after weeks or even days, your excitement fades away and your action towards the goal become more more sporadic, until it vanishes completely.

So what can you do to keep the momentum going?
Here are 7 questions you may consider asking yourself  to help you be on top of your game.

1. Do I really want to achieve this goal?

Try to be really honest with yourself when answering this question, because it may be that your goal is not what you really want. You  think you do, but in fact with deep reflection, you realized that it is  what other people wanted for you. You need to own your goal to be motivated.

Take a piece of paper or open a document on your computer and jot down the reason why you want to achieve this goal. Pretty soon, you are going to realize if this goal is one that you want or one that someone wants for you.

2.  Do I  have a plan of actions? Am I really clear on the steps I am going to take?

This is really important. Having an action plan is like a path you map for yourself to know what steps you need to take to get to the finish line. Without it, you are turning in a circle, you are wasting your time and energy and pretty soon, you will lose sight of your goal. 
A plan of action is going to help you identify what needs to be done, the resources you require, and  track your progress towards your goal. It is a bridge between where you are and where you want to be. The more prepared and clear you are about how to achieve your goal, the bigger chance you have to get to your goal faster and more successfully.
On a new document write down the name of your goal. Without over thinking, write down everything that comes to your mind to achieve your goal. If you need to do some research. Surf the internet or ask questions to someone who have already achieve the same goal. Figure out the time it will take you to achieve your goal. Be realistic here. Remember you want to set yourself for success. Now take your list, and put your ideas in order, from the beginning step to the final step.
3. Am I making my goal a priority?
 It is important that you make your goal a top priority in your life. It has to become a part of your life. At the end of the day, it is really a gift that you are giving to yourself. To achieve your goal demands some commitment on your part and you really need to be dedicated to it, no matter the circumstances. Take daily action towards your goal. It will help you to keep your goal alive and not fall back into a habit of writing your goals on a piece of paper and never achieving them. The best way to keep the momentum going is to think of your goal constantly and doing something about it every day. (Or at least 5 days a week). You can do it!!

Take some post it notes and write down the action of the day you want to accomplish. 
Post it everywhere visible in your house and your car. Know the best time you are the most productive and alert for that particular action and try to stick to that time as much as possible. 

4. Are my actions simple and light or complicated and heavy?

Although, I believe it is essential to push yourself. I think it is important at first not to ask too much
 of yourself, you will be more likely to become worn out,  discouraged and will end up quitting.
The more complicated your action is, the less likely you will want to dive into it. If it is too overwhelming, you will procrastinate. Take baby steps towards your goal if you feel overwhelmed or scared. Do not try to do everything at once. The key here is to build successes and keep the momentum going. The more successes you are going to achieve, the bigger the steps you are going to do. Successes build successes. Be kind to yourself. 

Set a timer. It will help you to stay focus for that assigned time and you can monitor yourself to keep track of your progress.You can increase as you go along. Keep it short. 10 minutes to 20 minutes to start. As you become comfortable, you know it is time to increase the time.

5. Do I have someone to hold me accountable?

The majority of people meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in sticking to their plan of action. Why? Because, they are alone, they do not have a support in place.
Have a friend  you can call at the beginning and at the end of the day to report. Send pictures of your work. If your goal is going to the gym, then send a picture of yourself at the gym.  If it is to declutter your desk, send a before and after picture. If you know that you have to report to someone, you will be more likely to do it.
Find a friend who would be willing to become your accountability partner or search the guidance and support of a professional coach. 

6. Is my environment supporting my goal?
 This is one that people do not think about. However it is really crucial if you want to persist in your   action. What do I mean? Let's take the example of a person who wants to lose weight and keep  having junk food all over her/his house. Is the environment supporting the goal? No.
 Try to put yourself in an environment that is going to be in alignment with your goal.

Scan your environment and make an inventory about the changes you need to make. If you are self employed and it is difficult for you to work from home, it might be a good idea to find another place, like going to the library for example.

7. Am I having fun?

Most and for all in order to persist you need to enjoy what you are doing. Make a game of your daily action. Innovate, create new ways of getting into action.The worst thing that could happen is being bored. Spice up your game. Change your routine to prevent monotony. Be bold and have fun!!! 
If your goal is to exercise daily for example. Alternate what you are doing. Go to a zumba class one day, go for a walk another, lift weight another, etc...Reward yourself. Celebrate your wins. 

Remember : "You don't have to be great to take action, but you have to take action to be great"


                             About the Author
Isabelle is the founder of Break Free Live Complete. As a life Transformation Coach she helps women entrepreneurs and mothers who are struggling to move forward in their life and their business. Isabelle helps her clients recognize their old habits, limiting beliefs, and mental blocks in order to set them free, let go of the no I can't,  to the yes I can, reconnect with their true self and tap into their greatness. As the results of her coaching, Isabelle’s clients feel whole, complete and unstoppable.

                       Isabelle can be reached at :

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How to Find the Best Keywords for Your Blog for Free

Good afternoon Bloggers,

I came across this great article about keywords searching for your blog.
I thought it could be helpful for new bloggers like me who have so much to learn.

Click here to read.

Love to learn new tips to increase my visibility, don't you?
If this article is of any help to you, please leave a comment below.

Happy Blogging!!!!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Listen to your heart

Listen to your heart . Whatever your heart is telling you. Go for it!!

People are going to judge you, discourage you. Close your ears, open your heart. It will tell you otherwise. Be true to yourself,

Life is a roller coaster. It is full of challenges and disappointments.
When you go down the spiral, let go and enjoy the ride.
As painful at it might be, you are going to come out a new person. Keep your faith high, believe that everything will be ok, and  continue your path towards your goals.

Listen to your heart.

                         About the Author

Isabelle is the founder of Break Free Live Complete. As a life Transformation Coach she helps women entrepreneurs and mothers who are struggling to move forward in their life and their business. Isabelle helps her clients recognize their old habits, limiting beliefs, and mental blocks in order to set them free, let go of the no I can't,  to the yes I can, reconnect with their true self and tap into their greatness. As the results of her coaching, Isabelle’s clients feel whole, complete and unstoppable.

                       Isabelle can be reached at :

How to Say No to perfection and Yes to Action in 5 Easy Steps

"You don't have to be great to take action, but you have to take action to be great."

How many times have you waited for the perfect time, the perfect moment, the perfect opportunity, or the perfect you to actually do something?
Where does this mindset lead you? NOWHERE.
It is time to stop this madness and get into action today. 
Below are 5 easy steps you may consider to take action one day at a time and live the life you always dreamed of.

1. Stop waiting…..Start moving

If you want results, you have to stop waiting and start moving.
Waiting is what we do when we are uncomfortable, scared, insecure. 

We wait for the perfect moment,for the perfect us, for the perfect body…...

DO we think that one day we are going to wake up and things are going to magically change: 
“ that’s it,  I am perfect today and can take action now, or I have a perfect body I can start living the life I have always dreamed of, or I am such a good speaker I am going to give lectures after lectures…”

As ridiculous as it might seems, we all do that. We all wait and wait and wait.

Perfectionist or not we think it has to be a time or a place to take action. So, we wait for that “perfect moment”. What does that perfect moment look like? What will make that time more ideal than another?
 Procrastination comes from the Latin word procastinare that means postponing until tomorrow. 
Is tomorrow going to be the perfect time? The bottom line is we do not take action because  fear gets in our way, so we tell ourselves that tomorrow would be better, tomorrow would be “the perfect time”....

You need to take action despite the fear.
Fear is just an illusion. You can choose to hate fear or embrace it.
Fear is either here to keep you small or it is a sign that you are stepping out of your comfort zone.
There is no better “perfect moment” to take action than TODAY.
Keep the momentum going by moving forward. 

You are not alone….
I cannot tell you how often I have waited for the perfect time, the perfect situation, or the perfect me, to take action. Where did it get me? Nowhere, I was the queen of perfection and I am telling you being a perfectionist allowed me to sit back and wait …I waited, and waited…. 
Sometimes, I wouldn’t even try because I knew I was not going to be perfect. 
How ridiculous is that? I do not know what I was thinking, but as you can guess, perfection never came. The more ridiculous thing was, I thought people were born successful with all the talents and gifts, that they did not have to work at them, and they were born under a good star.
In a way, I was right we are all born with gifts and talents. We have all different abilities, and we can all achieve our dreams. It is not a question of being born under the right star, it is a matter of wanting it so badly that nothing can stop us from getting it.
Did I think I would awake one day and just become the perfect speaker, the perfect marketer, the perfect writer….I guess so.

Waiting to be perfect, it is what we do with a bottle of wine; we wait years to drink it because we know it will become better over time. 
We do become better over time by taking action, not by waiting.

Take one action a day that you resist doing. 
If you feel resistance or fear, push through it and  take action anyway. It can be going to the gym, writing in your journal, or going to a networking event. Make the habit of doing instead of waiting. It is in action that you will get results. Celebrate yourself after each action. 

2. Stop comparing and judging yourself….Start loving and accepting yourself the way you are..

Our mind can go on a fast track here… And this can be so damaging.You are beautifully unique the way you are.  You have infinite talents and gifts that are extremely amazing. Believe it. You have to stop judging yourself and comparing yourself to others.

The more you judge and compare yourself to others, the less you are going to believe in yourself. You are going to stop the momentum and growth in you. Who wants to continue  to get out of their comfort zone by taking bold action if there is a constant voice that it telling them “I am not good, in fact I really suck”, “I did a terrible job”, “She is such a better speaker than I am”..... 
Would you want to continue or quit?

Be kind to yourself. Love yourself now, today, the way you are, in the situation you are in. 
Loving yourself is going to attract people to you, doors are going to open, possibilities are going to come your way. If you want to change, you need to love who you are today.

You are not alone….
With perfectionism came self-judgment, at least for me. As long as I can remember, I have been judging, criticizing, and scrutinizing myself. It was never enough the way I was. I was always in search of a better me, a perfect me. I didn’t realize how harsh I was on myself. Until people around me, told me.  I kept paying attention to my thoughts, and my words.
Finally, self-love replaced self-sabotaging behavior and self-acceptance replaced self-comparison with others. Did I erase it completely from my life? No, I am human, but at least now, I know how to deal with it:  by using words of kindness.

What do you say to yourself most of the time? Whom do you compare yourself to?

On a piece of paper, draw a vertical line in the middle of the page. On the left side, write everything you tell yourself, this is what we call mind dumping, and on the right side, write down the opposite.
For example: I am too fat    -    I  love my body.

Then from the list, make up an affirmation about yourself and write it down on a piece of paper, say something really nice about yourself, like the example above “ I am beautifully unique…..I have infinite talents and gifts….Have it in your pocket at all times. Read it several times a day, and before and after you take an action.

Becoming aware is one step forward to change. Accepting yourself as you are right now is the best gift you can give yourself.

3. Stop finding excuses….Start excusing yourself from your chair.

Waiting for the perfect time, for the perfect opportunity may have been an excuse. Haven’t you noticed how creative we are when it comes to finding excuses for our delayed action?  Excuses such as, I haven’t slept all night, I was too tired, I was sick, I got an unexpected phone call, I am too isolated, I am too new, I am not organized enough...etc… 
If you want to make a difference in your life, you have to make a commitment to get into action right now and to quit finding excuses. This behavior has not worked in the past, it is not going to work today. If you want to see results, you need to take action right now, not in a day or two, not in a week, a month, or a year. Get into action TODAY.

You are not alone….
I was creative at finding excuses to avoid taking action. I was also good at finding distractions such as emails, or Facebook….in order to postpone doing. I would bury myself in unproductive activities, in order to forget about the things that I resisted the most: marketing myself, promoting my business. Did I get clients? What do you think?
Promoting my business was in fact the best, most gentle act I could do for myself and other people.
Until, I realized it, I sat in my chair, waiting for clients to knock at my door.

Make a list of three things you want to achieve during the day and do them no matter what. 
Again, here, you want to get into the habit of doing things you commit to before you go to bed. The more you practice this exercise, the more confident you will be, the more  you will trust yourself, and the easier it will be to achieve anything you set your mind to. What a great habit, isn’t it!!!!
Relax and have fun!

4.Stop analyzing….. Start  expanding

In other words, get out of your own head and start connecting with people, start being curious about others. What do I mean by that? Analyzing past events and ourselves is a great way to understand and liberate us from past traumas and will help us overcome present blockage. It is great to know your limited beliefs that prevent you from moving forward. However, it is really necessary to not stay stuck in them and the best way to do that is to take action while paying attention to what is going on inside.

You are not alone….
You must think I have a story for everything. I wish I could say no I don’t, but the reality is that  I do. I have waited and waited for the magic pills. I have judged myself to a point that I did not want to hear myself anymore; comparing myself to others was my favorite past time. I was so creative at finding excuses to not do what I was supposed to do. I was analyzing myself, and situations, I was so much in my own head, that my head became my office.

Talk to 1 to 3 new person daily. Have a conversation with them. Connect with them.

5. Start saying yes to imperfection …. Start getting results!!!

Yeah. This is the fun part. This is what we all want.
There are no miracles here, if you want to get results, you need to take action. Say yes to endless opportunities, possibilities that are in front of you. Find perfection in your imperfections and go for it. People will be drawn to you.

Celebrate your wins small and big. 

Please let me know about your experiences, or your insights.
Would love to hear from you.

If you need help to take action or want to become clearer about what actions you need to take. Contact me for a 30-minute discovery session, I will be happy to help you.


                               About the Author
Isabelle is the founder of Break Free Live Complete. As a life Transformation Coach she helps women entrepreneurs and mothers who are struggling to move forward in their life and their business. Isabelle helps her clients recognize their old habits, limiting beliefs, and mental blocks in order to set them free, let go of the no I can't,  to the yes I can, reconnect with their true self and tap into their greatness. As the results of her coaching, Isabelle’s clients feel whole, complete and unstoppable.

                       Isabelle can be reached at :

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The 5 Early Risers Activities You Can Take Before Getting Out of Bed for a Healthy, Happy, Wealthy You

It is 10PM,  you are ready to go to sleep, you make a list of actions you want to accomplish the next day. You visualize your day ahead of time. Everything is clear and set.

It is 5.30 in the morning the alarm clock rings.
You wake up , and before you  put your feet on the floor, your head still on the  pillow, your mind brings you places you do not plan on going. But for some reasons it goes there  and the dialogue start occuring in a matter of a second. “ I am tired, I haven’t slept well, I need to listen to my body. I need to be kind to myself. I need to sleep a little bit more.”

This is the crucial moment which is going to define how your day is going to unfold.
You have a choice to make here either to shut off the voice and go on with your plan no matter how you feel or you can  listen to the “little self soothing, comforting” voice.

Our mind can be quite convincing and very creative at times and so “caring” (we think) especially when we want to escape from scary, uncomfortable situations.
And  all the beautiful visualization we spent 10 minutes writing meticulously the night before gets rewritten in an instant.

“I am going to set up my alarm for 7AM.  I will start my day after the kids are in school.  I will go to the breakfast network before going to the gym .Yes, That’s it, this afternoon, it will be less crowded, it is even better. How come I haven’t thought about that last night. I will make all my calls this morning, and write my article after going to the gym. So much better.”

And off we go rolling under  the cozy and warm comforter, reassuring ourselves that this plan is much better it will get done but in a different order.

Sound familiar?
We all have those moments for some of us they are more frequent than others.
I have dealt with this issue myself way too many times until I decided on doing the 5 daily early riser activities that are bringing me strength, sanity, health, and energy and the most important of all the drive to get free from limitations and enter a world of new possibilities.
In order to get to that point, I had to figure out what was working for me and what was not.
I have experienced going to the gym first thing in the morning.   I have decided to take care of my mind first before I do anything else.

The 5 activities I am going to share with you may take over an hour, close to 1 hour and a half..  Find what is working for you. It is your choice. I really recommend you do step 1, 2 and 3.
The other 2 can be done through the day.

Step #1: Feed yourself with words of wisdom, encouragement
Read affirmations, inspirational quotes, daily devotional book, personally I read the words of God.
I have installed an app on my ipad called the Bible in one year.
I like their format.
They always finish with a prayer.

Goal: It is to start your day filled with empowering and inspiring words. It is to quiet the voices of false reason when they come up.

Action: Decide on a what media you want to use. Set it up. Put it on your night stand the night before.
This process can take between 2 to 5 minutes

Step# 2: Journal
Pour out your heart and soul on paper
Journaling is a wonderful exercise to go inside you, to know you better and increase your level of awareness about your feelings, your own self. It can also be a way to improve your creativity and let yourself express your deep self, your dreams, desires, ideas.
For whatever the reason, journaling is an excellent exercise for expanding your mind.

Goal: It  is to have a gentle, encouraging, non judgemental, loving voice talking to you.
We are so quick to judge ourselves and beat ourselves up. This exercise if it is done on a regular basis will make a huge shift the way you treat yourself.

Action: Buy yourself a nice notebook. I purposely say notebook. Again you may choose to use a computer or an ipad,  but there is something magic happening on putting your thoughts, feelings on paper. Write 3 pages non stop. If you do not know what to write write “ I do not know what to write”. There is a wonderful book I highly recommend you to read. It is called “the Artist’s Way” from Julia Cameron where she talks about the 3 morning pages.
This process can take 20 to 30 minutes depending on the flow of your writing.

Step #3: Listen to the Voice

We all  listen to our own destructive voice.
Why not connect to your gentle self, the universe, or God or whomever you  chose.
Personally, I choose to listen  to God’s Voice.
This process can be done just after or during  journaling.
What do I do? I write God in the margin, and I let God talk to me. I started doing this exercise

more than a year ago. I cannot tell you how this exercise have changed my way of thinking, talking and doing things. We are so quick on judging ourselves, so used to beat ourselves up. So to have a kind, loving caring Voice talking to us may be the best gift we can give to ourselves.

Goal: It is to write down words of kindness about yourself, words that will lift you up and empower you for the rest of the day. Listen to the Voice of no limitation and no judgement.
You will  have a different perspective on things. Personally, it deepens my relationship with God and makes me realize how harsh I can be with myself.

Action: Chose who the Voice is going to be for you.
Write it down in the margin in your journal after you have done your own writing.
This process may take 20 minutes or more.

Step # 4: Make a gratitude list

Open Your heart
Give thanks to what you already have received.
What a better way to start the day.

Goal: It is to go on with your day with an attitude of abundance and soft heart.
This process can take  2 minutes.

Action: Write down 5 to 10 things you are grateful for in the back of your dairy.

Step # 5: Meditate
Be still .Quiet your mind. Do not do anything. At first this exercise can be tedious. It can be really hard to stay still for a small period of time, especially without thinking.
Empty your mind and be ready to receive higher voices coming to you judgement no limitation no restriction.

Goal: It is to bring you peace and serenity.

Action: Find a quiet place. Set up your alarm for 5 minutes, to start.
Add a minute every other day.
The ideal is to go to 30 minutes.
If you feel more at ease with 15 minutes. Stay there for a while and start increasing while you are really mastering the 15 minute time.

I challenge you to try these activities for at least a week.
I would love to know what you have experienced.
You can either live your comments down below or email me privately. For those who chose to do so, I am giving you 30 minutes of my time for a brainstorming session.

With all my gratitde,

Remember, it is only when we are in action today that we can change our tomorrow.

                             About the Author

Isabelle is the founder of Break Free Live Complete. As a life Transformation Coach she helps women entrepreneurs and mothers who are struggling to move forward in their life and their business. Isabelle helps her clients recognize their old habits, limiting beliefs, and mental blocks in order to set them free, let go of the no I can't,  to the yes I can, reconnect with their true self and tap into their greatness. As the results of her coaching, Isabelle’s clients feel whole, complete and unstoppable.

                       Isabelle can be reached at :